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Tools for procedural generation of content for tabletop role-playing games

Chop Shop Generator

This is a cyberpunk chop shop generator.

Outside, a large neon sign proclaims the name of the shop, the brightness of the writing diffused by thick smog. As you go inside, you notice a handful of locals watch you with hard eyes, then turn away. The attendants in the shop are all wearing augmented reality glasses, which display information about the various cybernetic upgrades as they move through the room. A lone customer sits in the corner, lost in thought as they consider their options for upgrading their body with cybernetic enhancements. The research and development area is dimly lit and filled with the hum of electronic equipment. Rows of laser scalpels line the walls, ready to be used at a moment's notice. A group of cyberpunk techies stand ready to assist the cyberdoc in any way necessary.