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Tools for procedural generation of content for tabletop role-playing games

Fantasy Family Generator

This generator creates a family. Note that more than 10 iterations can be quite slow. More than 30 may or may not crash your browser.

The Ushlingd Family

Amngoa Ushlingd

64-year-old deep gnome young adult

Amngoa Ushlingd is a 79 cm (2'7") tall deep gnome young adult. She is 64 years old. Amngoa has white hair, light grey skin, and brown eyes. She is confident.

Mate: Jöb Ushlingd

Jöb Ushlingd

53-year-old deep gnome child

Jöb Ushlingd is a 75 cm (2'5") tall deep gnome child. He is 53 years old. Jöb has dark hair, grey skin, and black eyes. He is loyal and lazy.

Mate: Amngoa Ushlingd