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Tools for procedural generation of content for tabletop role-playing games

Organization Generator

This generates fantasy organizations.

The Silver Coins

The Silver Coins is a vicious mercenary company with a reputation for excessive violence. It has 73 members. They are not terribly popular locally.

They are led by Captain Theling Battlebane. Theling is a dwarven adult of 70 years. She is 120 cm (3'11") tall and weighs 64 kg (141 lb.). She has red hair, grey skin, and black eyes. She is competitive and cruel.

Notable Members

Lieutenant Undóne Wildrunner: Undóne Wildrunner is a 161 cm (5'3") tall elven adult. He is 302 years old. Undóne has red hair, white skin, and blue eyes. He is brave.

Lieutenant Jeb Yvblend: Jeb is an aarakocra adult of 45 years. He is 172 cm (5'7") tall and weighs 51 kg (112 lb.). He has brown feathers, short and knife-edged wings, and green eyes. He is brave, creative, and disloyal.

Lieutenant Pilathriel Skyblossom: Pilathriel Skyblossom is a 144 cm (4'8") tall elven adult. She is 318 years old. Pilathriel has light hair, bronzed skin, and dark eyes. She is creative and lazy.

Sergeant Onara Iyngfird: Onara is a tiefling adult of 36 years. She is 162 cm (5'3") tall and weighs 78 kg (172 lb.). She has russet hair, ochre skin, silver eyes, and long and curled horns. She is optimistic and disloyal.

Sergeant Evnia Shurrier: Evnia Shurrier is a 166 cm (5'5") tall human adult. She is 44 years old. Evnia has dark hair, ebony skin, and blue eyes. She is thoughtful and cruel.

Sergeant Qoezping Toulor: Qoezping Toulor is a 328 cm (10'9") tall firbolg adult. He is 120 years old. Qoezping has red hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. He is eloquent and passive.

Uffram Smath: Uffram is a human adult of 36 years. He is 179 cm (5'10") tall and weighs 73 kg (161 lb.). He has russet hair, bronzed skin, and blue eyes. He is friendly and disloyal.