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Tools for procedural generation of content for tabletop role-playing games

Chop Shop Generator

This is a cyberpunk chop shop generator.

The shop's dark exterior walls are offset by neon lights bordering the doorway, giving it the appearance of a portal into another world. The entrance is hidden behind a false wall, which slides open to reveal the shop's interior. In the back of the room, a massive machine hums quietly. A sign above it reads: 'Custom Cybernetics Fabricator'. The machine can be programmed to create custom cybernetic enhancements on demand. One or two people wait in the back for their turn under the knife. The operation facility is dimly lit and filled with the hum of electronic equipment. Rows of cybernetic grafting tools line the walls, ready to be used at a moment's notice. An experienced team of surgeons stand ready to assist the cyberdoc in any way necessary.