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Tools for procedural generation of content for tabletop role-playing games

Dungeon Generator

A dungeon generator.

Lock Seed

The Domain of the Dark Legion

Environment: grassland

Total Threat Level: 129

Average Threat Level: 6

1. Entrance

This room is dark.

This rectangular room is 15' wide and 20' long. There is a set of stairs here leading out of the dungeon. There is a plain door in the northeast. A simple door is in the southeast.

2. Barracks

This room is dark.

This barracks is 75' wide and 45' long. Cots line the walls. There are chests at the end of each bed. A rough door lies in the northeast. There's a simple door in the northwest.

There are 3 soldiers here.

Jonna Alloybiter, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a simple tin blade, simple tin hilt, and silver fir handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of white gold rings, worth 25,045 gp
  • a bag of coins with 10 cp, worth 1 sp

Dalwu Dustweaver, male gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a worn brass blade, unadorned copper hilt, and blackwood handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of tight iron rings, worth 95 gp

Etana Coppercharmer, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a simple titanium blade, white gold hilt, and birch handle, worth 250 gp
  • a chain shirt made of loose mithril rings, worth 40,045 gp
  • a bag of coins with 10 cp, worth 1 sp


  • a large chest of coins containing 1,800 cp, 900 sp, and 100 gp, a gold locket with a painted portrait inside worth 22 gp, a silver ewer worth 16 gp, and a silver ewer worth 27 gp

3. Barracks

This room is dark.

This barracks is 50' wide and 45' long. Cots line the walls. Each bed has a chest at the foot. A plain door is in the southwest. A simple door is in the northeast. There's a simple door in the northeast. A plain door lies in the east. A decaying door lies in the northeast.

There are 4 soldiers here.

Ima Aqerngun, female hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a straight bronze blade, straight copper hilt, and rough oak handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of white gold rings, worth 25,045 gp

Iggor Kamders, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a simple white gold blade, unadorned copper hilt, and worn birch handle, worth 150 gp
  • a chain shirt made of loose brass rings, worth 95 gp
  • a pouch of coins with 16 cp, worth 1 sp

Didrong Itsberg, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with an iron blade, simple silver hilt, and pine handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of iron rings, worth 95 gp
  • a pouch of coins with 16 cp, worth 1 sp

Umura Apfford, female hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a straight steel blade, straight titanium hilt, and worn blackwood handle, worth 125 gp
  • a chain shirt made of mithril, worth 40,045 gp
  • a pouch of coins with 16 cp, worth 1 sp

4. Storeroom

This room is dark.

This room is a square 20' wide and 30' long. Boxes are stacked in corners here. There's a decaying door in the northwest. A painted door is in the southeast.

There are 4 soldiers here.

Aruma Apvford, female hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a white gold blade, iron hilt, and worn cedar handle, worth 150 gp
  • a white gold chain shirt, worth 25,045 gp

Iderin Shurier, female hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a bronze blade, bronze hilt, and oak handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of copper, worth 70 gp
  • a pouch of coins with 9 ep, worth 4 gp

Jib Ipsberg, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a bronze blade, brass hilt, and worn walnut handle, worth 50 gp
  • a mithril chain shirt, worth 40,045 gp
  • a pouch of coins with 9 ep, worth 4 gp

Affrun Akreham, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a straight steel blade, unadorned white gold hilt, and worn pine handle, worth 100 gp
  • a chain shirt made of tight gold rings, worth 25,045 gp
  • a pouch of coins with 9 ep, worth 4 gp

5. Chamber

This room is dark.

This rectangular room is 15' wide and 20' long. Debris of unknown origin is scattered about. There's a simple door in the southwest. There's a simple door in the northeast. There's a painted door in the southwest.

6. Kitchen

This rectangular room is 25' wide and 15' long. The floor is stone tile. Ovens line one of the walls. A pantry cabinet sits against one wall. An assortment of kitchen utensils and tools sit on a large table here. There's a rough door in the northwest. There is a rotted door in the southeast. There's a decaying door in the northeast. There is a large lit brazier in the middle of the room.

There are 4 soldiers here.

Volloong Pumdels, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a straight iron blade, copper hilt, and worn birch handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of heavy silver rings, worth 295 gp
  • a bag of coins containing 20 cp, worth 2 sp

Zirina Doolor, female hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a straight white gold blade, unadorned bronze hilt, and ebony handle, worth 150 gp
  • a gold chain shirt, worth 25,045 gp

Pözgum Agurmin, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with an adamantine blade, straight silver hilt, and birch handle, worth 250 gp
  • a bronze chain shirt, worth 55 gp
  • a bag of coins containing 20 cp, worth 2 sp

Pispon Agerngan, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a simple iron blade, straight copper hilt, and worn ironwood handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of heavy bronze rings, worth 55 gp
  • a bag of coins containing 20 cp, worth 2 sp

7. Storeroom

This rectangular room is 25' wide and 10' long. Boxes are stacked in corners here. There's a simple door in the northwest. There's a decaying door in the northeast. A few torches sit in sconces on the walls.

There are 4 soldiers here.

Falloon Agurnung, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a worn bronze blade, bronze hilt, and rough blackwood handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of silver, worth 295 gp
  • a purse of coins containing 10 gp, worth 10 gp

Vurana Isngfurd, female hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a mithril blade, unadorned steel hilt, and ironwood handle, worth 210 gp
  • a chain shirt made of dense silver rings, worth 295 gp
  • a purse of coins containing 10 gp, worth 10 gp

Okdor Ornuthion, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a straight white gold blade, adamantine hilt, and poplar handle, worth 250 gp
  • a chain shirt made of copper, worth 70 gp
  • a purse of coins containing 10 gp, worth 10 gp

Abmia Utucnon, female hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a gold blade, copper hilt, and worn ironwood handle, worth 150 gp
  • a chain shirt made of copper, worth 70 gp
  • a purse of coins containing 10 gp, worth 10 gp

8. Storeroom

This room is dark.

This storeroom is 15' wide and 20' long. Many boxes are stacked here. A decaying door is in the south. A silver-trimmed door is in the northeast.

There are 2 soldiers here.

Alena Smoth, female hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a worn bronze blade, unadorned steel hilt, and oak handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of steel rings, worth 145 gp

Feraqel Ikland, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a worn brass blade, bronze hilt, and cherry handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of tight adamantine rings, worth 50,045 gp
  • a pouch of coins holding 19 cp, worth 1 sp

9. Chamber

This room is dark.

This rectangular room is 10' wide and 30' long. A simple door lies in the northwest. A decaying door lies in the northeast. An ornate door lies in the northeast. There's a decaying door in the southwest.

There are 3 veteran soldiers here.

Disqem Ulmuthion, male hobgoblin veteran soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a bronze blade, spiked adamantine hilt, and embossed maple handle, worth 115 gp
  • a breastplate made of titanium with silver trim, worth 75,400 gp
  • a bag of coins with 14 cp, worth 1 sp

Emera Zhorrier, female hobgoblin veteran soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a grooved iron blade, curved bronze hilt, and walnut handle, worth 15 gp
  • a titanium breastplate decorated with bronze edging with overlapping plates, worth 75,400 gp

Inga Utifnon, female hobgoblin veteran soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a recently sharpened titanium blade, inlaid titanium hilt, and padded ebony handle, with a leather thong attached to the pommel, worth 240 gp
  • a breastplate made of bronze trimmed with tin, worth 420 gp
  • a bag of coins with 14 cp, worth 1 sp


  • a large chest of coins holding 2,800 cp, 500 sp, and 120 gp, a moonstone worth 49 gp, an onyx worth 48 gp, an onyx worth 48 gp, a zircon worth 47 gp, a jasper worth 45 gp, a chrysoprase worth 47 gp, and a citrine worth 45 gp

10. Chamber

This room is dark.

This rectangular room is 15' wide and 30' long. A decaying door lies in the northwest.
There is a plain door in the northeast. It's hidden behind a tapestry.

There are 3 soldiers here.

Uqpir Awfford, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a simple gold blade, simple white gold hilt, and worn aspen handle, worth 200 gp
  • a chain shirt made of adamantine, worth 50,045 gp
  • a pouch of coins holding 10 gp, worth 10 gp

Velaköl Ishlongb, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a white gold blade, unadorned adamantine hilt, and worn silver fir handle, worth 250 gp
  • a bronze chain shirt, worth 55 gp
  • a pouch of coins holding 10 gp, worth 10 gp

Karunia Zlutcher, female hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a white gold blade, gold hilt, and worn blackwood handle, worth 200 gp
  • a chain shirt made of brass, worth 95 gp

11. Chamber

This room is dark.

This chamber is 20' wide and 15' long. The floor is stone tile. There is an ornate door in the west. An ornate door is in the east.

There is a captain here.

Eloma Snoth, female hobgoblin captain (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a gold blade, adamantine hilt, and padded cedar handle, worth 250 gp
  • a copper breastplate decorated with white gold edging, worth 500 gp
  • an armet made of gold trimmed with bronze and set with jewels, worth 505 gp
  • a sack of coins containing 110 gp, worth 110 gp

There are 2 veteran soldiers here.

Udaloon Tialor, female hobgoblin veteran soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a bronze blade, curved copper hilt, and padded blackwood handle, worth 15 gp
  • a white gold breastplate with white gold edging, worth 50,450 gp
  • a sack of coins containing 110 gp, worth 110 gp

Ivngea Eqaxmeng, female hobgoblin veteran soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a grooved mithril blade, gem-studded copper hilt, and carved poplar handle, worth 175 gp
  • a brass breastplate trimmed with bronze, worth 500 gp
  • a sack of coins containing 110 gp, worth 110 gp

12. Chamber

This room is dark.

This chamber is 25' wide and 20' long. Stone tile flooring is cracked in places. A plain door lies in the southeast. There is a simple door in the northeast. There is an ornate door in the southwest.

There is a captain here.

Kengt Diamondhammer, male gnomish captain (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a serrated gold blade, spiked gold hilt, and carved white cedar handle, with a yellow ribbon wrapped around it, worth 200 gp
  • a titanium breastplate with white gold edging, worth 75,450 gp
  • a bronze armet with white gold trim and set with jewels, worth 55 gp
  • a sack of coins with 160 gp, worth 160 gp

There are 3 veteran soldiers here.

Pogo Diamondbrander, female gnomish veteran soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a wide adamantine blade, steel hilt, and carved oak handle, worth 215 gp
  • an iron breastplate with white gold edging, worth 550 gp

Wulver Gemweaver, male gnomish veteran soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with an iron blade, white gold hilt, and walnut handle, with a red ribbon tied to it, worth 65 gp
  • a breastplate made of white gold decorated with brass edging with overlapping plates, worth 50,400 gp
  • a sack of coins with 160 gp, worth 160 gp

Odanga Agatebopper, female gnomish veteran soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a brass blade, spiked titanium hilt, and poplar handle, worth 90 gp
  • an iron breastplate trimmed with gold, worth 550 gp
  • a sack of coins with 160 gp, worth 160 gp

13. Chamber

This room is dark.

This room is a square 25' wide and 20' long. There's a plain door in the northwest.

There are 2 soldiers here.

Chinna Dustwoosher, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a mithril blade, bronze hilt, and silver fir handle, worth 210 gp
  • a chain shirt made of tin, worth 50 gp

Mapli Pelletseeder, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a tin blade, unadorned mithril hilt, and rough blackwood handle, worth 130 gp
  • a chain shirt made of tin, worth 50 gp
  • a purse of coins holding 17 sp, worth 1 gp

14. Storeroom

This room is dark.

This square room is 25' wide and 15' long. Boxes are stacked in corners here. There is a decaying door in the southwest.
There's a plain door in the southwest. It's hidden behind a tapestry.

There are 4 veteran soldiers here.

Jenna Goldtinker, female gnomish veteran soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with an iron blade, gem-studded tin hilt, and carved blackwood handle, worth 15 gp
  • a breastplate made of silver trimmed with tin with rolled edges, worth 900 gp
  • a bag of coins with 11 cp, worth 1 sp

Shenuddi Wirewoosher, female gnomish veteran soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a titanium blade, curved adamantine hilt, and padded white cedar handle, with a yellow ribbon wrapped around it, worth 265 gp
  • a white gold breastplate with copper trim with overlapping plates, worth 50,400 gp
  • a bag of coins with 11 cp, worth 1 sp

Shenaddi Irontinker, female gnomish veteran soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a straight steel blade, mithril hilt, and white cedar handle, with a gold chain attached to the pommel, worth 95 gp
  • a breastplate made of steel trimmed with white gold, worth 650 gp
  • a bag of coins with 11 cp, worth 1 sp

Chenna Crystalchest, female gnomish veteran soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a grooved steel blade, bronze hilt, and cedar handle, worth 15 gp
  • a white gold breastplate trimmed with tin, worth 50,400 gp
  • a bag of coins with 11 cp, worth 1 sp

15. Chamber

This room is dark.

This room is a square 20' wide and 20' long. A silver-trimmed door is in the southwest. A decaying door lies in the northeast. A plain door is in the northwest.

There are 4 soldiers here.

Dergul Goldwoosher, male gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a simple copper blade, white gold hilt, and cherry handle, worth 100 gp
  • a chain shirt made of gold rings, worth 25,045 gp
  • a bag of coins containing 12 ep, worth 6 gp

Uithne Jethammer, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a silver blade, bronze hilt, and ironwood handle, worth 51 gp
  • a silver chain shirt, worth 295 gp

Snovlima Ironbopper, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a silver blade, iron hilt, and worn white cedar handle, worth 51 gp
  • a chain shirt made of steel, worth 145 gp
  • a bag of coins containing 12 ep, worth 6 gp

Jinna Silvercharmer, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a worn iron blade, steel hilt, and silver fir handle, worth 50 gp
  • a gold chain shirt, worth 25,045 gp


  • a large chest of coins holding 2,800 cp, 700 sp, and 100 gp, an irregular freshwater pearl worth 9 gp, a hematite worth 9 gp, a moss agate worth 9 gp, an eye agate worth 9 gp, a moss agate worth 9 gp, a blue quartz worth 9 gp, and a tiger eye worth 9 gp

16. Chamber

This chamber is 10' wide and 20' long. The marble flooring is broken in places. The ceiling is partly covered in cobwebs. A simple door is in the northwest. A plain door is in the southeast. A few torches sit in sconces on the walls.

There are 3 soldiers here.

Qerwhir Jetsweeper, male gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a worn steel blade, steel hilt, and white cedar handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of steel, worth 145 gp
  • a purse of coins holding 17 cp, worth 1 sp

Brudvav Sapphireweaver, male gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a simple bronze blade, titanium hilt, and cherry handle, worth 125 gp
  • a chain shirt made of tight titanium rings, worth 37,545 gp
  • a purse of coins holding 17 cp, worth 1 sp

Kirver Goldshaper, male gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a tin blade, iron hilt, and maple handle, worth 50 gp
  • a chain shirt made of tight iron rings, worth 95 gp
  • a purse of coins holding 17 cp, worth 1 sp
  • a rough key that unlocks the door between room 17 and room 19, worth 7 cp

17. Chamber

This room is dark.

This room is a square 20' wide and 30' long. The stone tile flooring is broken in places. A decaying door is in the southwest. A decaying door lies in the northwest. There's a plain door in the northeast. It is locked.

There are 2 soldiers here.

Utanga Dustweaver, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a worn steel blade, adamantine hilt, and rough walnut handle, worth 150 gp
  • an adamantine chain shirt, worth 50,045 gp

Opani Alloytinker, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a worn white gold blade, steel hilt, and walnut handle, worth 150 gp
  • a tin chain shirt, worth 50 gp

18. Kitchen

This room is dark.

This rectangular room is 10' wide and 10' long. There is a large wood-fired oven here. A pantry cabinet sits against one wall. A table sits against one wall. Much of the floor is covered in debris. There is a decaying door in the southwest. There's a plain door in the northwest.

There are 3 soldiers here.

Iathne Sapphiretinker, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a steel blade, titanium hilt, and maple handle, worth 125 gp
  • a chain shirt made of brass, worth 95 gp

Eithne Crystalwatcher, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a worn gold blade, unadorned tin hilt, and ebony handle, worth 150 gp
  • a chain shirt made of loose iron rings, worth 95 gp

Idanga Alloywatcher, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a simple adamantine blade, straight tin hilt, and worn cherry handle, worth 250 gp
  • a steel chain shirt, worth 145 gp
  • a purse of coins with 13 gp, worth 13 gp

19. Fountain Chamber

This room is dark.

This square room is 15' wide and 20' long. Small fountains sit in each corner of the room. A plain door lies in the northwest. It is locked.

There are 3 soldiers here.

Offlan Eetsberg, male hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a white gold blade, unadorned silver hilt, and worn cherry handle, worth 150 gp
  • a brass chain shirt, worth 95 gp
  • a pouch of coins with 10 gp, worth 10 gp

Surona Shlatcher, female hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a silver blade, straight silver hilt, and fir handle, worth 51 gp
  • a chain shirt made of bronze, worth 55 gp
  • a pouch of coins with 10 gp, worth 10 gp

Udheren Ograham, female hobgoblin soldier (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a simple titanium blade, gold hilt, and worn cedar handle, worth 250 gp
  • a chain shirt made of heavy gold rings, worth 25,045 gp

20. Chamber

This square room is 10' wide and 15' long. There's a rotted door in the northwest. A plain door lies in the northwest. There is a large lit brazier in the middle of the room.

There are 2 veteran soldiers here.

Galga Wirebopper, male gnomish veteran soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a steel blade, curved iron hilt, and cedar handle, worth 15 gp
  • a bronze breastplate with copper edging, worth 420 gp
  • a bag of coins holding 12 sp, worth 1 gp

Genro Opalweaver, male gnomish veteran soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a long sword with a straight tin blade, adamantine hilt, and embossed maple handle, worth 115 gp
  • a breastplate made of tin decorated with white gold edging, worth 460 gp

21. Storeroom

This room is dark.

This room is a square 30' wide and 30' long. A few broken crates and boxes are strewn about. Dense cobwebs hang down from the ceiling. A decaying door lies in the northeast.
A carved door lies in the northeast. It's practically undetectable except for a thin seam visible only on close inspection.

There are 3 soldiers here.

Matli Jadetrader, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a straight titanium blade, steel hilt, and blackwood handle, worth 200 gp
  • a chain shirt made of adamantine rings, worth 50,045 gp

Metli Goldwoosher, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a straight adamantine blade, unadorned tin hilt, and worn oak handle, worth 250 gp
  • a steel chain shirt, worth 145 gp
  • a pouch of coins holding 13 gp, worth 13 gp

Uethne Onyxtinker, female gnomish soldier (TL 1)

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with a worn iron blade, straight copper hilt, and cherry handle, worth 50 gp
  • a white gold chain shirt, worth 25,045 gp
  • a pouch of coins holding 13 gp, worth 13 gp

22. Armory

This armory is 30' wide and 30' long. The stone tile flooring is broken in places. Each wall has at least one wooden rack full of weapons. There are numerous pegs on the walls for armor to be hung. There is a carved door in the southwest. A few torches sit in sconces on the walls.

23. Chamber

This room is dark.

This square room is 10' wide and 15' long. A plain door lies in the southeast.

There is a general here.

Karunia Ashrongp, female hobgoblin general (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a short sword with a serrated brass blade, gem-studded adamantine hilt, and padded silver fir handle, worth 110 gp
  • a tin breastplate decorated with bronze edging with rolled edges, worth 410 gp
  • an armet made of bronze trimmed with bronze and set with jewels, worth 5 gp
  • a chest of coins containing 1,400 sp and 600 gp, worth 740 gp

There are 2 captain here.

Jeub Atarnang, male hobgoblin captain (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with an iron blade, curved tin hilt, and carved walnut handle, worth 50 gp
  • a breastplate made of steel with silver trim, worth 600 gp
  • an armet made of bronze with tin trim and set with jewels, worth 5 gp

Uwmia Zletcher, female hobgoblin captain (TL 3)


  • darkvision: can see in the dark

Carrying the following:

  • a great sword with an iron blade, titanium hilt, and padded poplar handle, with a leather thong attached to the pommel, worth 125 gp
  • a breastplate made of bronze with gold edging, worth 470 gp
  • an adamantine armet trimmed with white gold and set with jewels, worth 1,055 gp
  • a chest of coins containing 1,400 sp and 600 gp, worth 740 gp