Tools for procedural generation of content for tabletop role-playing games
This generator creates a family. Note that more than 10 iterations can be quite slow. More than 30 may or may not crash your browser.
25-year-old halfling young adult
Gangfrap Underbottom is a 102 cm (3'4") tall halfling young adult. He is 25 years old. Gangfrap has dark hair, tan skin, and amber eyes. He is kind and passive.
Mate: Öulimta Underbottom
31-year-old halfling adult
Öulimta is a halfling adult of 31 years. She is 98 cm (3'2") tall and weighs 32 kg (71 lb.). She has light hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. She is brave and unimaginative.
Mate: Gangfrap Underbottom