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Tools for procedural generation of content for tabletop role-playing games

Fantasy Religion Generator

Generate a fictional fantasy religion.

Lock Seed
  • monotheism
  • polytheism
  • shamanism
  • aarakocra
  • aasimar
  • bugbear
  • centaur
  • dark elf
  • deep gnome
  • dragonborn
  • duergar
  • dwarf
  • elf
  • firbolg
  • gnome
  • goblin
  • halfling
  • hobgoblin
  • human
  • orc
  • tiefling
  • troll


This religion is shamanistic. Their gatherings happen bi-weekly at the church and feature reflection, study, and food/drink. Worshippers unite at meeting halls for ritual dance and to learn from an enlightened one.


The Endless Dark

The Endless Dark is a realm of eternal darkness and emptiness, where the very fabric of reality is twisted and distorted.

The Celestial Realm

Far above the mortal world, the Celestial Realm is a realm of light and splendor.