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Language Generator

This generates fictional languages. This is mostly useful for debugging.


Anoobawtt Dictionary


fa (pronoun, /fæ/): "he"

ayk (pronoun, /ek/): "she"

be (pronoun, /bɛ/): "they"

awn (pronoun, /on/): "you"

ttat (pronoun, /ɾət/): "we"

attough (pronoun, /əɾɒ/): "I"


ub (article, /ʌb/): "a"

il (article, /ɪl/): "the"


laittawas (preposition, /laɪɾəwæs/): "and"

imait (preposition, /ɪmaɪt/): "as"

natiha (preposition, /nətɪhə/): "from"

naygisa (preposition, /negɪsæ/): "in"

oughki (preposition, /ɒkɪ/): "of"

aitathawk (preposition, /aɪtəðok/): "or"

nitalit (preposition, /nɪtəlit/): "to"

fidal (preposition, /fɪdəl/): "will"

tediti (preposition, /tɛdɪti/): "with"


miv (number, /mɪv/): "zero"

katayval (number, /kəteval/): "one"

gu (number, /gu/): "two"

attiza (number, /əɾɪza/): "three"

niw (number, /niw/): "four"

tititay (number, /tɪtite/): "five"

ngimaishul (number, /ŋɪmaɪʃʌl/): "six"

liwez (number, /liwɛz/): "seven"

ttuj (number, /ɾʌdʒ/): "eight"

nak (number, /nak/): "nine"

koulith (number, /kaʊlɪð/): "ten"


ade (question, /ədɛ/): "what"

mawi (question, /məwi/): "who"

azatha (question, /əzæθə/): "how"

ttin (question, /ɾɪn/): "why"

ah (question, /əh/): "when"


ngathenad (interjection, /ŋəðɛnæd/): "hello"

edash (interjection, /ɛdəʃ/): "goodbye"

ttimabus (interjection, /ɾiməbus/): "hey"

itud (interjection, /ɪtud/): "bye"

athita (interjection, /əðɪtæ/): "ouch"

it (interjection, /ɪt/): "wow"

ashu (interjection, /əʃʌ/): "uh"

subula (interjection, /sʌbulə/): "er"

na (interjection, /næ/): "um"


sam (adverb, /səm/): "again"

hafabiz (adverb, /həfæbɪz/): "now"

kitek (adverb, /kɪtɛk/): "soon"

boughzami (adverb, /bɒzəmi/): "often"

wayn (adverb, /wen/): "sometimes"

lu (adverb, /lʌ/): "always"

itayttafa (adverb, /ɪteɾəfə/): "never"

anewepa (adverb, /ənɛwɛpæ/): "seldom"


namabi (adjective, /nəməbi/): "aromatic"

tok (adjective, /tɔk/): "basted"

iki (adjective, /ɪkɪ/): "big"

za (adjective, /zə/): "bitter"

akaitti (adjective, /əkaɪɾi/): "black"

netta (adjective, /nɛɾə/): "blue"

ipatta (adjective, /ɪpəɾa/): "brown"

latta (adjective, /ləɾæ/): "chilled"

att (adjective, /əɾ/): "cold"

epik (adjective, /ɛpɪk/): "curried"

attifini (adjective, /əɾɪfinɪ/): "dark"

uvattoughn (adjective, /uvaɾɒn/): "deep"

ttootheka (adjective, /ɾʊðɛkə/): "divine"

anidah (adjective, /ənidəh/): "drunk"

ewudi (adjective, /ɛwʌdi/): "empty"

ttasaka (adjective, /ɾasəkə/): "evil"

aythadat (adjective, /eðədæt/): "familiar"

anavupa (adjective, /ənəvʌpə/): "fat"

awpan (adjective, /opən/): "flat"

soo (adjective, /sʊ/): "frail"

cha (adjective, /tʃæ/): "fried"

tithukal (adjective, /tiðukəl/): "full"

itasayl (adjective, /itæsel/): "good"

thi (adjective, /ðɪ/): "green"

attaseg (adjective, /əɾəsɛg/): "grey"

itattawsa (adjective, /ɪtæɾosə/): "honest"

an (adjective, /ən/): "hot"

situve (adjective, /sɪtʌvɛ/): "light"

amilithe (adjective, /əmɪlɪðɛ/): "long"

majunang (adjective, /məjʌnəŋ/): "loud"

asi (adjective, /əsi/): "mortal"

tamittoov (adjective, /tamɪɾʊv/): "mysterious"

epat (adjective, /ɛpat/): "narrow"

ta (adjective, /tə/): "old"

ziv (adjective, /ziv/): "orange"

il (adjective, /il/): "pungent"

tulil (adjective, /tulɪl/): "purple"

aysoughnaka (adjective, /esɒnəkæ/): "quiet"

tus (adjective, /tʌs/): "raw"

shayt (adjective, /ʃet/): "rectangular"

uzai (adjective, /ʌzaɪ/): "red"

ne (adjective, /nɛ/): "roasted"

shamif (adjective, /ʃəmif/): "round"

layd (adjective, /led/): "salty"

isikida (adjective, /ɪsikɪda/): "savory"

ttithizit (adjective, /ɾiðɪzɪt/): "shallow"

nukut (adjective, /nukut/): "short"

hootting (adjective, /hʊɾɪŋ/): "smoked"

eka (adjective, /ɛkæ/): "sober"

unazadi (adjective, /unəzədi/): "sour"

etsinu (adjective, /ɛtsɪnʌ/): "spicy"

al (adjective, /əl/): "spiral"

unoughttays (adjective, /ʌnɒɾes/): "square"

jadi (adjective, /dʒədɪ/): "steamed"

tuttama (adjective, /tuɾəmə/): "strange"

at (adjective, /æt/): "strong"

awloowiza (adjective, /olʊwizə/): "sturdy"

ali (adjective, /əli/): "sweet"

bu (adjective, /bu/): "tall"

vi (adjective, /vi/): "thick"

tou (adjective, /taʊ/): "thin"

sichabi (adjective, /sitʃəbi/): "warm"

ttamajain (adjective, /ɾəməjaɪn/): "weak"

iwida (adjective, /iwidə/): "white"

ichoughchadai (adjective, /itʃɒchədaɪ/): "wide"

vayniqa (adjective, /veniqə/): "yellow"

awayzut (adjective, /əwezʌt/): "young"


yuk (verb, /yuk/): "bake"

ttaf (verb, /ɾəf/): "be"

wi (verb, /wi/): "belong"

awtadatha (verb, /otədəðə/): "bite"

kun (verb, /kʌn/): "break"

asesaypa (verb, /asɛsepə/): "burn"

udaitit (verb, /ʌdaɪtɪt/): "come"

ttose (verb, /ɾɔsɛ/): "die"

takai (verb, /təkaɪ/): "drink"

izaydaifi (verb, /ɪzedaɪfi/): "eat"

adi (verb, /ədi/): "fall"

akifath (verb, /əkifəð/): "fight"

pa (verb, /pə/): "find"

oukatip (verb, /aʊkətɪp/): "fish"

chagul (verb, /tʃəgul/): "fly"

athen (verb, /əðɛn/): "frown"

athittu (verb, /əðɪɾʌ/): "go"

az (verb, /əz/): "growl"

ith (verb, /ɪð/): "hate"

lepalou (verb, /lɛpəlaʊ/): "have"

kittanaytt (verb, /kiɾəneɾ/): "hear"

siinanas (verb, /ʒinənæs/): "hide"

isaydaitha (verb, /ɪsedaɪðə/): "hold"

ja (verb, /jə/): "hunt"

tta (verb, /ɾə/): "jump"

awwettata (verb, /owɛɾæta/): "kill"

da (verb, /də/): "know"

lak (verb, /lək/): "laugh"

ba (verb, /bə/): "lie"

sen (verb, /sɛn/): "live"

etith (verb, /ɛtɪð/): "lose"

ti (verb, /tɪ/): "love"

azu (verb, /æzu/): "need"

fakin (verb, /fækɪn/): "own"

amigitt (verb, /əmigɪɾ/): "roast"

naisaid (verb, /naɪsaɪd/): "run"

luttath (verb, /luɾəð/): "see"

aninoilay (verb, /ənɪnɔɪle/): "sit"

sattanas (verb, /səɾænəs/): "sleep"

aihawbi (verb, /aɪhobi/): "smell"

pittitoughn (verb, /pɪɾitɒn/): "smile"

thethajak (verb, /ðɛðəjək/): "stand"

dabasiz (verb, /dæbəsɪz/): "strike"

me (verb, /mɛ/): "swallow"

awnatataw (verb, /onatəto/): "swim"

la (verb, /lə/): "taste"

hutsab (verb, /hutsəb/): "throw"

wuzad (verb, /wʌzəd/): "walk"

ilawth (verb, /ɪloθ/): "want"


aisus (noun, /aɪsʌs/): "afternoon"

kapami (noun, /kəpəmɪ/): "ale"

thim (noun, /ðim/): "all"

tti (noun, /ɾɪ/): "alligator"

wilan (noun, /wɪlæn/): "arm"

mi (noun, /mɪ/): "ash"

thinithay (noun, /θɪnɪðe/): "aunt"

ataw (noun, /əto/): "axe"

aytan (noun, /etən/): "bark"

ttamatas (noun, /ɾæmatæs/): "bay"

oughna (noun, /ɒna/): "beer"

ngoughvez (noun, /ŋɒvɛz/): "beet"

ituthi (noun, /ɪtʌðɪ/): "bird"

nawda (noun, /nodə/): "blood"

patu (noun, /pətʌ/): "boar"

att (noun, /əɾ/): "bone"

is (noun, /is/): "breakfast"

aymaw (noun, /emo/): "breast"

ttaza (noun, /ɾəzə/): "brother"

iz (noun, /iz/): "castle"

awnetizi (noun, /onɛtizi/): "cat"

awbin (noun, /obɪn/): "cat"

juta (noun, /jutə/): "chest"

tamadi (noun, /təmədɪ/): "chicken"

udawa (noun, /udəwə/): "claw"

awawth (noun, /əwoθ/): "cloud"

ettatu (noun, /ɛɾatu/): "coconut"

shithima (noun, /ʃɪðɪmæ/): "crime"

la (noun, /lə/): "day"

babaza (noun, /babazə/): "dinner"

pi (noun, /pɪ/): "dog"

ttecututt (noun, /ɾɛcutʌɾ/): "drink"

ttasang (noun, /ɾəsəŋ/): "dungeon"

aiselib (noun, /aɪsɛlɪb/): "ear"

thatti (noun, /ðəɾɪ/): "earth"

ta (noun, /tə/): "egg"

iga (noun, /ɪgə/): "elder"

na (noun, /nə/): "enemy"

uhatheth (noun, /ʌhaðɛð/): "evening"

uthaz (noun, /ʌðəz/): "eye"

bitusi (noun, /bitʌsi/): "family"

itsaw (noun, /itso/): "father"

ih (noun, /ih/): "feather"

pawgi (noun, /pogɪ/): "fight"

ttettattit (noun, /ɾɛɾæɾit/): "finger"

mizatha (noun, /mɪzæðə/): "fire"

safatha (noun, /səfæða/): "fish"

anethe (noun, /ənɛðɛ/): "flesh"

iw (noun, /ɪw/): "foot"

mough (noun, /mɒ/): "forest"

nalaytu (noun, /nəletu/): "fox"

inaf (noun, /inəf/): "friend"

inidawla (noun, /ɪnɪdolə/): "goose"

outhaj (noun, /aʊðədʒ/): "grease"

ouk (noun, /aʊk/): "group"

is (noun, /ɪs/): "gulf"

sis (noun, /sis/): "hair"

agiwitt (noun, /əgiwɪɾ/): "hand"

bung (noun, /buŋ/): "hat"

aws (noun, /os/): "hate"

tu (noun, /tʌ/): "head"

iyu (noun, /ɪyʌ/): "hill"

utohetu (noun, /utɔhɛtu/): "horn"

at (noun, /æt/): "horse"

jah (noun, /dʒəh/): "house"

tejas (noun, /tɛjəs/): "inn"

ditti (noun, /diɾɪ/): "island"

tta (noun, /ɾə/): "jaw"

aigai (noun, /aɪgaɪ/): "lake"

outaysawn (noun, /aʊteson/): "leaf"

tivaym (noun, /tivem/): "leg"

ttitt (noun, /ɾiɾ/): "liver"

ttett (noun, /ɾɛɾ/): "louse"

usittaytou (noun, /usɪɾetaʊ/): "love"

ikasha (noun, /ɪkəʃə/): "lunch"

ounan (noun, /aʊnən/): "man"

nut (noun, /nut/): "many"

sadi (noun, /sədi/): "meal"

uttajuva (noun, /ʌɾəjuvə/): "metal"

an (noun, /æn/): "mine"

ttuzik (noun, /ɾʌzɪk/): "monster"

sas (noun, /səs/): "moon"

itisou (noun, /itɪsaʊ/): "morning"

lu (noun, /lʌ/): "mother"

lavaz (noun, /ləvəz/): "mountain"

nittis (noun, /niɾis/): "mouth"

oughjapi (noun, /ɒjəpɪ/): "name"

angetatt (noun, /əŋɛtəɾ/): "neck"

isemada (noun, /ɪsɛmədə/): "night"

lazathath (noun, /ləzəðæð/): "noodle"

ukouz (noun, /ʌkaʊz/): "nose"

tsalefi (noun, /tsəlɛfɪ/): "ocean"

ttetase (noun, /ɾɛtəsɛ/): "parent"

pan (noun, /pæn/): "path"

api (noun, /əpɪ/): "peace"

kai (noun, /kaɪ/): "pepper"

malada (noun, /mələdə/): "person"

oughs (noun, /ɒs/): "pie"

ithi (noun, /ɪðɪ/): "pig"

alough (noun, /alɒ/): "rabbit"

ani (noun, /əni/): "rain"

tanita (noun, /tænɪtə/): "rat"

si (noun, /sɪ/): "river"

alutha (noun, /əlʌða/): "robe"

awshashouz (noun, /oʃəʃaʊz/): "rock"

pu (noun, /pu/): "root"

tuth (noun, /tʌθ/): "salt"

besainun (noun, /bɛsaɪnʌn/): "sand"

ini (noun, /ɪnɪ/): "seed"

ache (noun, /atʃɛ/): "sibling"

ing (noun, /ɪŋ/): "sister"

thi (noun, /ðɪ/): "skin"

agasezi (noun, /əgæsɛzɪ/): "sky"

ikazay (noun, /ɪkəze/): "smoke"

al (noun, /əl/): "snake"

dizam (noun, /dɪzəm/): "soup"

ihasitti (noun, /ɪhæsɪɾɪ/): "star"

sen (noun, /sɛn/): "stew"

ttusoughttin (noun, /ɾusɒɾɪn/): "stomach"

ara (noun, /əɹæ/): "stone"

ki (noun, /ki/): "stream"

unuway (noun, /unuwe/): "sun"

mattu (noun, /məɾʌ/): "sword"

ba (noun, /bə/): "tail"

utattittaw (noun, /ʌtəɾɪɾo/): "tavern"

tailachou (noun, /taɪlətʃaʊ/): "thumb"

ttusah (noun, /ɾusah/): "tongue"

de (noun, /dɛ/): "tooth"

namawvan (noun, /nəmovən/): "tree"

echuchatt (noun, /ɛtʃʌxæɾ/): "truth"

ulinishe (noun, /ulɪnɪʃɛ/): "uncle"

tapime (noun, /təpɪmɛ/): "valley"

oukittik (noun, /aʊkiɾɪk/): "war"

attouti (noun, /əɾaʊtɪ/): "water"

tukamed (noun, /tukəmɛd/): "way"

ibithough (noun, /ɪbɪðɒ/): "wine"

kevay (noun, /kɛve/): "woman"

azidadu (noun, /əzidədu/): "word"