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Region Generator

Generate fantasy regions.

The Kingdom of Ungaraqa

This desert is made up of rocky cliffs, dry riverbeds, and sand dunes. A dry riverbed, its cracked and dusty bed lined with scattered rocks and debris, winds through the heart of the desert like a silent witness to the ebb and flow of life in this unforgiving land. The climate here is dry, with 2 seasons.

Ruler: King Fullym Ishlemp

Ruler heraldry

The Kingdom of Ungaraqa is ruled by King Fullym Ishlemp. Fullym Ishlemp is a 321 cm (10'6") tall firbolg adult. He is 297 years old. Fullym has red hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. He is confident and cooperative.

Nearby Sovereignties

The Kingdom of Qolulia

Ruled by Queen Oroma Akilnom, a human adult.

The Kingdom of Amulaqa

Ruled by Queen Yna Okland, a human adult.


The Kingdom of Alkileng

Ruled by Queen Ezholme Greenstar, a human adult.


The Principality of Aléria

Ruled by Princess Qirinia Alngothion, an elven adult.

Nearby Realms


The Principality of Angaruda, part of the Kingdom of Qolulia .

Ruled by Princess Emila Zurrier, a human adult.

Notable Settlements in the Kingdom of Ungaraqa

Pudruc's Bulwark

Pudruc's Bulwark is a city of 28,077 people. The buildings in this city are a testament to the skill and artistry of its craftsmen, with intricate carvings and decorations adorning their facades. Folks here have more than they need. The people are regarded as being mistrustful. A dry riverbed, its cracked and dusty bed lined with scattered rocks and debris, winds through the heart of the desert like a silent witness to the ebb and flow of life in this unforgiving land. This is the capital of the region.


Laqjahaven is a town of 8,048 people. The town is surrounded by fields and orchards, with the smell of ripe fruit and vegetables wafting through the air. Most folks here have more wealth than most. They are sometimes known for being suspicious of others. A dry riverbed, its cracked and dusty bed lined with scattered rocks and debris, winds through the heart of the desert like a silent witness to the ebb and flow of life in this unforgiving land.


The borough of Riverglade has 17,120 people. The buildings here are mostly made of stone or brick, and are quite ornate and impressive. Most folks here have their needs met. Some places regard them as being mistrustful. Rocky outcroppings give some blessed relief from the desert sun.


The village of Firebend has 386 people. This is a dense collection of farms with a number of communal buildings in the center, including a mill and a chapel. The farms are surrounded by low stone walls to protect them from marauding animals. Folks here have more wealth than most. Some places regard them as being unfriendly. A dry riverbed, its cracked and dusty bed lined with scattered rocks and debris, winds through the heart of the desert like a silent witness to the ebb and flow of life in this unforgiving land.

Eight Cliffs

The hamlet of Eight Cliffs has 22 people. Buildings here are scattered and small, with thatched roofs and walls of rough-hewn timber. Most people here have more wealth than most. The people are known for working too hard. A small oasis, surrounded by a ring of palm trees and shrubs, glistens like a gem in the midst of the parched and barren desert.

White Barrows

The village of White Barrows has 430 people. There is a single inn, a blacksmith, and a few houses in town, with farms surrounding it. Smoke rises from the chimneys, and the sound of animals can be heard in the distance. Most people here seem to be doing well. The people are known for spending too much time making merry. A dry riverbed, its cracked and dusty bed lined with scattered rocks and debris, winds through the heart of the desert like a silent witness to the ebb and flow of life in this unforgiving land.

Irima's Forge

The village of Irima's Forge has 471 people. A knot of communal buildings marks the center of this village, including a town hall and a small market. The farms radiate out in a rough circle around it, with a stream running through the center of the village. Most people here are prosperous. The folk here are known for being friendly but devious. The sand dunes here resemble vast rolling seas.

Notable Organizations

The Iron Axes

The Iron Axes is a merc company that prides itself on its professionalism and integrity. It has 28 members. They enjoy a surprising amount of local popularity.