Stars Without Number Starship Generator
HMS Chimera
Owner Type: military line of battle
Manufacturer: Pax Corporation
Model: Victory-class
Hull Type: battleship
Hull Class: capital
Drive: Spike Drive-1
Mass: 27/50 (23 free)
Power: 40/75 (35 free)
Hardpoints: 7/15 (8 free)
Speed: 0
Armor: 20
AC: 16
HP: 100
Minimum Crew: 200
Maximum Crew: 1000
Current Crew: 651
Total Ship Value: 58,750,000 credits
Total Crew Cost: 28,513,800 credits per year
Crew Skill: +3
Cargo Space: 0 tons
Armory - Weapons and armor for the crew
Fuel bunkers - Adds fuel for one more drill between fuelings
Gravcannon (4d6, AP 20)
Vortex Tunnel Inductor (3d20, AP 20, Clumsy)
Augmented Plating: +2 AC, -1 Speed
Grav Eddy Displacer: 1 in 6 chance of any given attack missing