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Tools for procedural generation of content for tabletop role-playing games

Uncharted Worlds Character Generator

Generate starting characters for Uncharted Worlds.

Lock Seed


Physique: -1

Mettle: 1

Expertise: 2

Influence: 1

Interface: 0






Focused, Massive, and Angular



A worthy enemy is exterminated.


Workspace: Refinery

Heavy raw-material collectors. Gathers, processes raw matter into refined materials. Material storage tanks.

Class 0 Attire (Simple)

Utilitarian, favors function over looks.

Class 1 Heavy Weapon

  • Heavy Weapon: Two-handed ranged weapon. Optimal Ranges: Far, Distant.
  • Destructive: Causes property damage, damages machinery and vehicles.
  • Clumsy: Heavy and awkward, forces Face Adversity on physical activity.
  • Keyed: Can only be fired by you unless you unlock it.

Class 1 Heavy Weapon

  • Heavy Weapon: Two-handed ranged weapon. Optimal Ranges: Far, Distant.
  • Destructive: Causes property damage, damages machinery and vehicles.
  • Clumsy: Heavy and awkward, forces Face Adversity on physical activity.
  • Detonation: Explodes in a large blast radius.

Class 2 Flyer (Shuttle)

A tiny, maneuverable flying vehicle. Space for a pilot and at most one passenger.

  • Agile: Quick, maneuverable, able to perform stunts.
  • Sensors: The vehicle gathers various types of information.

Class 3 Flyer (Speeder)

A flying vehicle for up to six people that can hover and take off vertically.

  • Shielded: +1 Armor provided by extended grav field. Blocks remote Access and hacking.
  • Stealthy: Silent, difficult to pick up on sensors, occupants invisible to sensors.
  • Agile: Quick, maneuverable, able to perform stunts.